Jointly developed by M HKA and the KU Leuven, this long-term, interdisciplinary research project focuses on a specific, yet complex body of work; multifaceted and variably installable, unfinished and open-ended: Ship of Fools / The Dockers' Museum (2010-2013) by artist and theorist Allan Sekula (1951-2013). Informed by the research of the team members, the project continues to evolve in a succession of research outputs, such as this digital platform.


(c)Walker Evans Archive, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1971 Print from an Approved Edition of Walker Evans' Photos of a Havana Dock-Worker (The Dockers' Museum, object nr. 60), 1932-1971
Print , 19,4 x 15,24 cm
ink, paper

1971 Print from an Approved Edition of Walker Evans’ Photos of a Havana Dock Worker [title given by Allan Sekula], print made by Tom Brown for Ives-Sillman under the supervision of Walker Evans, black-and-white photograph, 1932/1971, 19,4 x 15,4 cm. Purchased by Allan Sekula through eBay on 16 June 2011. © Walker Evans Archive, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.  [Allan Sekula – The Dockers' Museum, 2010-2013, object nr. 60]